You see, such things have been school, and work, and church - the given things in life. But my life has also been consumed with family, an essential. And spending as much time as God allows with my boyfriend, however that may look on that given day. Also building deep relationships with the girls in my small group, whom I love very dearly! These I must have. I thrive on these things, relationships. But in a way, consuming myself with these things and failing to write - whether privately or publicly here - is almost selfish in a way. Who may read a blog (or my journal one day when I am dead and gone from this earth) that may need an encouraging word or a provoking nudge to kick it into a new gear and dimension of life?
Truthfully, I may never know. It could be nobody. But it could be somebody. Somebody who God wants me to unknowingly reach out to and make even a small difference, if not a large one, in their life right now. Not every 3 or 4 months when I'm "bored" or the time "happens" to be there or the I just so happen to be in the "mood" to write something "profound". There's more to it than that. The time is now. God's Kingdom is here - we are living in it NOW. The different lives Christ called us to live? Yeah, that's now, not when it just so happens to show up in our lives. It absolutely must be intentional. And an intentional change in me means an potential intentional change guided by God's Spirit for others.
People are watching. People are listening. What do they see and hear emanating from you? Or do they see and hear nothing whatsoever? The choice is yours... mine... every day: selfish or selfless?
hey! you are now ahead of our "other" friend...lol. glad to see you on here. always look forward to reading your thoughts. wether we speak or not, we are communicating something. hope you have a great day!