I'm not sure about you, but when I hear "Earth Dwellers" I think or aliens coming down to our humble abode and referring to us as such, or as "Earthlings". There's something to that though, oddly enough. The more I think about it, the less I want to be associated by such a term - to dwell on earth. Because while dwell can simply mean one taking a permanent residence in a certain place, it also deals with one's deep emotions, thought-life, and focus. I, for one, have no desire whatsoever to be associated as one who intends to live on this earth permanently or to wrap all of my emotions, thoughts, and focus up in this imperfect and fallen world.
I find it interesting that the Psalmist refers himself as an alien, dwelling with God [Psalm 39:12]. Yet God welcomes us there and invites us to make Him our home! I know I am nowhere near reaching this state, but I'd much rather be a Heaven Dweller. Or better yet, to dwell in God as He has so longingly pleaded with me (and you) to do. God dwells on, in, and with me.. Shouldn't I return the favor? Imagine the kind of joy that would bring our Father! Besides, wherever my treasures are (physical or spiritual - what I value in various ways), there is my heart [Luke 12:34]. A heart that is tender and that my Abba and Adonai is consistently yearning for me to entrust to Him to tenderly care for, keep safe, and nourish abundantly. He crafted it, why would I not want to give it back to Him, my true Lover?
Dwell is still such a strong word to me. The more I think about it, the deeper it seems. I mean, to really dwell somewhere or on something.. It sure brings a very clear emotional and mental picture to mind that I can hardly explain, but that I can feel. It is to settle in, get comfortable. To spend all my time and energy there. To be completely consumed with it. Even thinking about it now, it makes me want to exude with joy and laughter!! To dwell with my Maker. How breathtakingly astonishing, altogether wonderful, and picturesque that is! :D Call me crazy, but it kinda brings out the "warm and fuzzies" in me :) ..To be with, to DWELL, with my Father. My Home. My Dwelling Place! You really can't get much better than that!
We all dwell on something. On whom or what are you dwelling..? Is it worth it?
dwell is one of those words that is rich...sometimes we dwell on our pain, living it is, never escaping and allowing joy to invade...great post Alicia...thought provoking...will try to dwell in right places today.