Sunday, November 8, 2009

Your Might, You Display..

"Your might, You display. In the skies every day. Everything You created for Your praise!" (from the song "Faithful")

Most of what I am about to write I told to myself probably 20 times as I was trying not to forget it all. Some of it I forgot anyways.. But yeah, God is just.. WOW! Sorry, but I don't even have words for how amazing He is!!!

I am afraid that none of what follows will do any justice to the divulgences I received tonight, of God's character and how our relationship with Him works. But I truly hope that you will gain at least something from the wealth that God has poured into my life. I intend to post again soon with one of the many things God has shown me recently. There's so much I can barely take mental note of it all myself, much less express it effectively. But my wish is to let the Spirit use me and speak through me. He is no secret to be kept!
Coming home from church today I told myself I should take a walk at some point because it was such a beautiful day out. I sadly found myself immersed in a little bit of homework and spending most of my time expressing myself to God through some journaling, in song, and with prayer. And simply resting in Him. After all, He has been teaching me and growing me so much recently, the least I can do is give it back to Him with every moment of my life, all as an act of worship! Needless to say I did not take a walk..

However, my dad and I decided to take a last minute motorcycle ride this afternoon. Within the first few miles I realized we were heading directly into the sunset. I was absolutely astonished at its brilliance! It was by far one of the most brilliant skies I have ever seen before in person! God's might and love were so evident to me in that moment as I sang songs of His cleansing, renewal, and faithfulness in my life. The thing was, it didn't stop there.. it lasted for quite some time. I kept thinking to myself, "I really wish I had a working camera right now!" I wanted to capture the splendor of it all, to never forget its beauty and share it with the world. I slowly began to hear God whispering to my heart once again (as He has done so much of these past two weeks. Or maybe He always does and I do not slow down enough to listen)..

(taken from Google images.. this is NOTHING compared to what I was witness too!) :D
He said something to the effect of: "This is just for you, my darling. I hand-picked this moment for your eyes only. I understand that you want to share what you know of Me and My works with others, but I will reveal Myself to them in a different way and at a different time. As I see fit. They need to experience Me for themselves. Should they be perceptive enough to see Me. This is for you, though. To capture a picture of My power and love for you. Visibly instead of audibly for a change. It is a reminder of what I have done for you. But more than that, a reminder to you of who I Am, and who you are to Me." I thought of how blessed I was. How much my Father cherishes me, which amazes me considering I am not worthy on my own. But only through His sacrifice for me as He pursues me relentlessly! It was all so overwhelming to take in!!

We came to the end of the road all too soon. We turned away from the sunset and everything in me began to scream in opposition. How could we dare ride away from something so stunning? I wanted to embrace every moment of this sunset as possible. I found myself rather eagerly scanning the rear view mirrors and the reflection from my dad's helmet for whatever glimpse of the sun and the surrounding skies as I could find. Every once in a while I would catch a glimpse of the picturesque skies behind me (an understatement to say the least), which never failed to take my breath away. But then I came to a second major realization: what I was doing was much like what we do as humans.. Everyone is searching for God. They wonder why they cannot see Him or feel His presence in their lives. Why the pain? Why the confusion? What we all fail to realize too often is that He is all around us. He is so blatantly obvious, it is a mystery as to how we miss Him! The same way I was searching for the sun when the sunlight was everywhere to be seen already.. I suppose it is because we are too busy being distracted by everything else around us - by the things the sunlight is falling upon instead of the sunlight itself or the source of that light.

Every once in a while our Abba chooses to reveal an extra glimpse of His splendor to us. If we are paying any bit of attention.. An extra dose of any given characteristic of Himself, similar to the glimpses of the actual sun I would get in the rear view mirror, reflecting back to me. Yet He is all around us all the time. Inside of us if we have come into agreement with Him. Yet those special glimpses that drive us deeper towards God's Heart are ever so precious. Like a sweet kiss from a loved one. But better. So gentle yet so strong. So peaceful yet so invigorating. So quiet yet so deafening.

Oh, and one more thing: as brilliant as the setting sun was when I first caught a glimpse of it, it only continued to grow in expanse and magnificence. It was truly spectacular, though it paled in comparison to the Maker of it all and the things the Maker is teaching us and doing for us constantly and consistently. He truly does radiate!! Will you let Him radiate into and through you?!

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