Sunday, December 21, 2008

Contented Spirits

I don't have too much to say, for a change. Just that life is really more than I could ask for in every way good. Dave explained once that to be content and satisfied in God and His presence in me is to say that even if I were on the street corner smelly, naked, and utterly alone, I could still lift my hands to the heavens and sing and shout my praises to God.

I can't say that I feel completely that way right now... I really don't want to be naked on a street corner or anything... but still I am so content in what He has given me! His provision. His love. His sacrifice. The limitation He has put on Himself within His all-powerfulness to relate with me. The relationships, glorious relationships, He has allowed me to have!! The amazing opportunities for greatness and even humility.

I could keep going but no need to keep you here for a year or so trying to read and decipher these things. If they could even be contained in that time or in my writing, I seriously doubt. Regardless, I write today only to speak of my realization of just how blessed I am. Really, I don't know how I manage to contain this either... so much of me wants to belt it out at the top of my lungs for the world to hear: MY GOD IS GREAT AND LIFE IS GRAND!!!


  1. Smelly naked person coming through...ha. Your thoughts are great today. It can be hard sometimes in the busyness we call life to appreciate all we are blessed with, and find contentment. I hope you linger in it.

  2. Thanks :) It's times like these I hope my moods and emotions never change. But then again, where's the thrill in that? Linger, I will try!
